Babadook gay pride meme

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With the character represents is the opposite of everything that is happening. Example you're associating with a game in gay man, gay means happy. It's like co-opting Marty from Lisa to represent the redeeming factors of fatherhood.

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If I was member of a group I would not want that to be a representative at all. All of us it's just a visible representation of her mental breakdown of her internal suffering and how its expressed. You could make an argument that she is the Babadook. It's not something positive it is intense negativity of her life that she needs to deal with daily the curve literally destroyed and the one that she holds most dear. that grief that hatred that angry is what Babadook represents. Four seas all that she has left of her dead husband you're part of her feels guilt and hatred for his existence because a part of her subconsciously blames her own son for the death of her husband. What are the protagonist for sale she'd literally both loves and hates her son. And not this empowering you but destroying you. You do not want to dehumanize numbers of your community, you're literally making a monster that symbolizes the darkness and I do mean it the dark things I'll look in our heart the grief the sadness the unbearable suffering.

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